
 I grew up Christian.  I went to church every Sunday for my entire childhood.  This gives me a bias when it comes to Jehovah, or, as most Christians call him, God.  I don't exactly feel comfortable using that term as he is no longer my god which is why I've chosen to use the Latin name that was given to him and is still used by some of his followers.

Jehovah is complicated.

This has nothing to do with my bias, but rather the simple fact that there are so many different denominations that have spawned from the Christian faith that it can be hard to figure out what is right and what is wrong.  It becomes a dangerous minefield to say that all Christians believe one thing or another because that can simply be false.

Growing up, I was taught that God was all-loving and all-knowing, but firm.  it is humanity's responsibility to follow him.  Because of that, I was taught that we needed to teach people about our beliefs.  If there was even a little opening then you needed to push into it and spread the "Good Word" as it is called.

To follow Jehovah, one will generally need to follow the Bible.  The Bible is its own bag of marbles that could probably have its own long blog post.  And one day it may.  Until then, I will briefly say that part of the many variations of Christianity comes from their interpretations of the Bible and what they see and draw from there to explain their beliefs about Jehovah.

What each Christian believes is something that is very near and dear to them.  It is something that they are, at least in places where it is not criminalized, going to be very happy and open with telling you exactly what those beliefs are.  For some people, Christianity is the right choice.  It is the faith that will give them the most peace and clarity in life.  I respect that.  And it is why I at least wanted to mention Jehovah.  It doesn't feel right to say a lot on this particular topic as I have biases and history with this belief that make me unfavorable and potentially even unfair to it.

But it should be said that anyone who chooses to worship this god has every right to.  They should be greeted with as much cheer and joy as anyone because they have found themselves.  And that is what this blog is all about.


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